Warning: if you get motion sickness you may not want to watch this. My favorite toy these days is a jumper and I LOVE to jump.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
No, No, No!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
DJC Arrives
I am so excited to show off my new cousin Daniel Joseph Coughlin. He arrived July 12 @
8:55 am. He was 6 lbs 9 oz and 19 inches long. At first I thought he was a toy because he was sleeping a lot but then I realized he is alive. I keep trying to get my hands on him but I have been unsuccessful. I guess I will have to wait until he isn't as fresh before I can play with him. I don't mind all of the attention he is getting as long as I get some of it too ;) Being a big cousin is a big deal and I just know we are going to be best buds.
8:55 am. He was 6 lbs 9 oz and 19 inches long. At first I thought he was a toy because he was sleeping a lot but then I realized he is alive. I keep trying to get my hands on him but I have been unsuccessful. I guess I will have to wait until he isn't as fresh before I can play with him. I don't mind all of the attention he is getting as long as I get some of it too ;) Being a big cousin is a big deal and I just know we are going to be best buds.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
At last...
5/27, Baby C's Shower
5/8, Dad's Graduation
So much has happened since my last post...My dad graduated law school and then we started packing our bags. I vacationed at Noanie and Papa Jeff's house for a couple weeks while my parents prepared my new room. Speaking of new room, I FINALLY have my own room and closets :) Turns out the secret to good sleep is having your own room. Yep you read that right I LOVE to sleep, day and night. I think I am catching up from all of those sleepless nights in Cincinnati.
When I am not sleeping I am helping my mom unpack boxes and swimming at the neighborhood pool. It is just around the corner from my house so I get to go almost everyday. I even have my own fan club there, it is so refreshing to hang out with people my own age.
I am crossing milestones off my list left and right, but I will save those for next time. Also I have to tell you all about my new cousin. I am just so busy!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Big News...
I am moving to Toledo! I had enough of sharing my bedroom with my mom and dad, so off we go. I will be sad to leave my friends in Cincinnati, but excited to see our new friends too. Here are some pictures from the last month and now that my mommy won't be working for a little while, maybe she will do a better job of keeping you all updated.
P.S. Can someone tell my parents that half birthdays are worth celebrating.

P.S. Can someone tell my parents that half birthdays are worth celebrating.

Laughing at my mom! (4.30)
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Life's A Beach Part II
I couldn't fit all of my Florida stories and pictures into one post because I was there for 14 days. The second week was just as fun as the first. I learned how to splash in the pool, take naps on the pool deck and fall asleep to the sound of the ocean. Tummy time is much more fun when you have a view of the ocean. I can hold my head up all by myself now, love to stick everything into my mouth, especially other people's fingers, and am starting to get bored of this whole napping thing.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Life's a Beach Part I
Another successful plane ride, and by successful I mean I blew out my diaper again. There is just something about being up in the air that really relaxes my tummy. I discovered a new toy, my feet. I suspect they have been there all along, but covered up. I could go on and on about all of the fun I had in Florida, but I think pictures do it more justice.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Windy City
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
3 months...
All you can eat pancake breakfast at the Ferris's
Believe it or not I am already 3 months old and of course my list of accomplishments keeps growing. At my 3 month checkup I got 3 immunizations which were supposed to make me a little crabby, but I am a strong girl and didn't have any side effects. However, my mom got yelled at by the Dr. because she isn't helping me with my tummy time and since then I have been spending A LOT of time on my belly. I think I will be rolling over and crawling in no time. I can now support all of my weight on my legs, hold my head up and prefer to sit up vs. laying back. I am starting to like my own space and enjoy kicking back on my play mat and playing with my Pink Poodle Lala. I tried to hold a boy's hand, to see video check out his blog: http://skeldonfamilyadventures.blogspot.com/2010/02/jjs-first-valentine-and-playtime.html
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
All Smiles from the Mile High City
While we were in Denver, we stayed with Emily and Nick Sass and their dog Dorsey. They were great hosts and we loved the city. Dad got to go skiing and mom and I had no problem staying behind and supporting the Denver retail industry. It was really sunny and beautiful all weekend and we all had a lot of fun seeing how things are in the Rocky Mountains. On Saturday I got to meet mom's oldest friend Jen and that night I got to sleep under a table while the adults went out to a nice Valentine's Day dinner.
Good thing we got home when we did because it has been snowing in Cincinnati ever since. Dad has had 2 snow days and has discovered new tricks to get me to smile and even giggle. Of course the giggle happened in between takes but I promise I will let them capture it on camera once I feel more comfortable.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
2 Months and Counting
Hanging out in my crib on my two-month birthday (1/28)
Sucking on my thumb during tummy time (1/19)
All bundled up ready for a walk (1/14)
Mommy's trick to get me to sleep in my crib (1/27)
My life has changed so much since I was born. I can add sleeping in my crib to things I have already accomplished (after numerous failed attempts and tricks found on the www, the trick that worked is shown above.) In the past couple of weeks I have visited with baby friends, had a special out-of-town babysitter so my parents could go to law school prom, gone to Louisville, the grocery store, Costco, and LPK... 2 months and already a social butterfly! And I am off to Denver this weekend. Yep you heard it right I am taking my first plane ride to the mile high city. My parents are crazy, huh?
As you can tell from my pictures, I am eating much more these days, between 5-7 ounces every 4 hours. My favorite things to do these days are to go on car rides, suck on my hand and thumb, smile and watch mommy and daddy make silly faces at me (fish lips is my new favorite). It's only a matter of time before I begin to giggle. And Facebook. And Tweet. And go on dates. And talk back.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
The Bucket...
Many of you know about my living arrangements and for those of you who don't, there is NO bath tub! One of mommys friends found the perfect solution, the bucket bath. This video is for all of you skeptics out there. I LOVE my bucket, it reminds me of being nice and cozy pre-birth. This is now part of my new nightly routine as mom and dad are searching for some sort of schedule, ok mostly my type A mom. My routine starts with a bottle, then the bucket, next a baby message, then a book and finally some time rocking in my chair. So far this new routine has contibuted many sweet dreams for me and my parents.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Stella's Firsts
So I'm six weeks old now and have already accomplished quite a few things:
- Slept through the night
- Took a bath
- Had a diaper blowout
- Went on a road trip to Cleveland
- Went on a road trip to Toledo
- Rolled over (mommy thinks daddy helped me, but I did it all on my own!)
- Shopped at Nordstrom
- Went out to breakfast at Echo with mom and dad
- Rode a two-wheeler (just kidding)
- Smiled at mommy when she made funny noises with her tongue
- Had the sniffles
- Forgot to go to my one month doctor's appointment
- Played in the snow
- Met a cute older boy and let him hold me
Mom and dad are hoping that "slept in my crib" is the next thing to add to the list, but I really like sleeping in my lamb seat for now. Here are some more pictures!
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