7/4, Sporting our Red, White and Blue

6/30, First Boat Ride

6/14, Eating Applesauce

5/27, Baby C's Shower

5/8, Dad's Graduation
So much has happened since my last post...
My dad graduated law school and then we started packing our bags. I vacationed at Noanie and Papa Jeff's house for a couple weeks while my parents prepared my new room. Speaking of new room, I FINALLY have my own room and closets :) Turns out the secret to good sleep is having your own room. Yep you read that right I LOVE to sleep, day and night. I think I am catching up from all of those sleepless nights in Cincinnati.
When I am not sleeping I am helping my mom unpack boxes and swimming at the neighborhood pool. It is just around the corner from my house so I get to go almost everyday. I even have my own fan club there, it is so refreshing to hang out with people my own age.
I am crossing milestones off my list left and right, but I will save those for next time. Also I have to tell you all about my new cousin. I am just so busy!